Our Graduates


Our first graduating class at Pinnacles Prep will be in 2027. It’s our goal that our students graduate with the following skills.

Purpose Driven

Graduates of Pinnacles Prep articulate their purpose and take initiative on their passions. They demonstrate leadership and self-awareness habits to gain personal and professional success as well as positive impact in the world. These students will be self-aware life-long learners who can actively collaborate and communicate to effectively make an impact.

Engaged Citizen

Graduates of Pinnacles Prep understand how culture impacts community through history, economics, geography, and place. As adults, they will be well-versed in concepts of finance, equity, conflict, and resolution. Graduates will understand the ecology, culture, and economy of our place--they are leaders and engaged in our community, knowing that they have skills and tools and make a positive impact. 

Effective Communicator

Graduates of Pinnacles Prep can articulate themselves through written and verbal communication, build solid arguments from evidence, and discern the difference between fact and opinion.

Curious Innovator

Graduates of Pinnacles Prep understand that science is a process through which we can understand the complexity of the world. They will be well-versed in basic science principles and constructs so as to critically analyze and understand the world around them.

Quantitative Thinker

Core proficiency in both the content and skills involved in mathematics will be mastered by Pinnacles Prep graduates. These students will see how mathematics can be applied through real-world projects, act as a lens to understand the world, and transfer into a set of critical skills.


Culturally Humble

Graduates of Pinnacles Prep have humility toward the multiple cultures that make up the world outside of their own ethnicity and culture--both locally and globally.

Expressive Creator

Graduates of Pinnacles Prep are highly creative individuals who are well-versed in creation and presentation of artistic forms. These individuals can build, make, and code as well as draw and perform. By design, skills learned through Creative Expression are applied across the Impact Projects.

Inclusive Collaborator

Graduates of Pinnacles Prep are masters of collaboration. They know how to work with and across lines of difference and  include all voices in projects in order to have a collective impact toward common goals.